Installed skins
Installed extensions
Installed libraries
Library | Version | License | Description | Authors |
composer/semver | 1.4.2 | MIT | Semver library that offers utilities, version constraint parsing and validation. | , and |
cssjanus/cssjanus | 1.2.0 | Apache-2.0 | Convert CSS stylesheets between left-to-right and right-to-left. | |
firebase/php-jwt | 4.0.0 | BSD-3-Clause | A simple library to encode and decode JSON Web Tokens (JWT) in PHP. Should conform to the current spec. | and |
james-heinrich/getid3 | 1.9.14 | GPL | PHP script that extracts useful information from popular multimedia file formats | |
justinrainbow/json-schema | 5.2.1 | MIT | A library to validate a json schema. | , , and |
liuggio/statsd-php-client | 1.0.18 | MIT | Statsd (Object Oriented) client library for PHP | |
mediawiki/at-ease | 1.1.0 | GPL-2.0+ | Safe replacement to @ for suppressing warnings. | and |
monolog/monolog | 1.22.1 | MIT | Sends your logs to files, sockets, inboxes, databases and various web services | |
mustangostang/spyc | 0.6.2 | MIT | A simple YAML loader/dumper class for PHP | |
nmred/kafka-php | 0.1.5 | BSD-3-Clause | Kafka client for php | |
oojs/oojs-ui | 0.23.0 | MIT | Provides library of common widgets, layouts, and windows. | , , , , , , , , and |
oyejorge/less.php | | Apache-2.0 | PHP port of the Javascript version of LESS (Originally maintained by Josh Schmidt) | , and |
pear/console_getopt | 1.4.1 | BSD-2-Clause | More info available on: | , and |
pear/mail | 1.4.1 | BSD-2-Clause | Class that provides multiple interfaces for sending emails. | , and |
pear/mail_mime | 1.10.1 | BSD-3-clause | Mail_Mime provides classes to create MIME messages | and |
pear/mail_mime-decode | | BSD-2-Clause | More info available on: | and |
pear/net_smtp | 1.7.3 | PHP-3.01 | An implementation of the SMTP protocol | and |
pear/net_socket | 1.2.1 | BSD-2-Clause | More info available on: | , and |
pear/pear-core-minimal | 1.10.3 | BSD-3-Clause | Minimal set of PEAR core files to be used as composer dependency | |
pear/pear_exception | 1.0.0 | BSD-2-Clause | The PEAR Exception base class. | and |
pimple/pimple | 3.0.2 | MIT | Pimple, a simple Dependency Injection Container | |
psr/log | 1.0.2 | MIT | Common interface for logging libraries | |
ruflin/elastica | 5.1.0 | MIT | Elasticsearch Client | |
stil/gd-text | 1.0.0 | MIT | A class drawing multiline and aligned text on pictures. Uses GD extension. | |
symfony/process | 3.2.6 | MIT | Symfony Process Component | and |
wikimedia/assert | 0.2.2 | MIT | Provides runtime assertions | |
wikimedia/avro | 1.7.7 | Apache-2.0 | A library for using Apache Avro with PHP. | , , , , and |
wikimedia/base-convert | 1.0.1 | GPL-2.0+ | Convert an arbitrarily-long string from one numeric base to another, optionally zero-padding to a minimum column width. | and |
wikimedia/cdb | 1.4.1 | GPL-2.0+ | Constant Database (CDB) wrapper library for PHP. Provides pure-PHP fallback when dba_* functions are absent. | , , and |
wikimedia/cldr-plural-rule-parser | 1.0.0 | GPL-2.0+ | Evaluates plural rules specified in the CLDR project notation. | and |
wikimedia/composer-merge-plugin | 1.4.1 | MIT | Composer plugin to merge multiple composer.json files | |
wikimedia/css-sanitizer | 1.0.2 | Apache-2.0 | Classes to parse and sanitize CSS | |
wikimedia/html-formatter | 1.0.1 | GPL-2.0+ | Performs transformations of HTML by wrapping around libxml2 and working around its countless bugs. | |
wikimedia/ip-set | 1.1.0 | GPL-2.0+ | Efficiently match IP addresses against a set of CIDR specifications. | |
wikimedia/php-session-serializer | 1.0.4 | GPL-2.0+ | Provides methods like PHP's session_encode and session_decode that don't mess with $_SESSION | |
wikimedia/purtle | 1.0.6 | GPL-2.0+ | Fast streaming RDF serializer | , and |
wikimedia/relpath | 2.0.0 | MIT | Compute a relative filepath between two paths. | |
wikimedia/remex-html | 1.0.1 | MIT | Fast HTML 5 parser | |
wikimedia/running-stat | 1.1.0 | GPL-2.0+ | PHP implementations of online statistical algorithms | |
wikimedia/scoped-callback | 1.0.0 | GPL-2.0+ | Class for asserting that a callback happens when a dummy object leaves scope | |
wikimedia/testing-access-wrapper | 1.0.0 | GPL-2.0+ | A simple helper class to access non-public elements of a class when testing. | , and |
wikimedia/textcat | 1.2.0 | LGPL-2.1 | PHP port of the TextCat language guesser utility, see | and |
wikimedia/timestamp | 1.0.0 | GPL-2.0+ | Creation, parsing, and conversion of timestamps | |
wikimedia/utfnormal | 1.1.0 | GPL-2.0+ | Contains Unicode normalization routines, including both pure PHP implementations and automatic use of the 'intl' PHP extension when present | |
wikimedia/wait-condition-loop | 1.0.1 | GPL-2.0+ | Wait loop that reaches a condition or times out | |
wikimedia/wrappedstring | 2.2.0 | MIT | Automatically compact sequentially-outputted strings that share a common prefix / suffix pair. | |
zordius/lightncandy | 0.23 | MIT | An extremely fast PHP implementation of handlebars ( ) and mustache ( ). | |
<pre> and
anchorencode, basepagename, basepagenamee, bidi, canonicalurl, canonicalurle, cascadingsources, count, defaultsort, displaytitle, explode, expr, filepath, formatdate, formatnum, fullpagename, fullpagenamee, fullurl, fullurle, gender, grammar, if, ifeq, iferror, ifexist, ifexpr, int, language, lc, lcfirst, len, localurl, localurle, namespace, namespacee, namespacenumber, ns, nse, numberingroup, numberofactiveusers, numberofadmins, numberofarticles, numberofedits, numberoffiles, numberofpages, numberofusers, padleft, padright, pageid, pagename, pagenamee, pagesincategory, pagesize, plural, pos, protectionexpiry, protectionlevel, rel2abs, replace, revisionday, revisionday2, revisionid, revisionmonth, revisionmonth1, revisiontimestamp, revisionuser, revisionyear, rootpagename, rootpagenamee, rpos, special, speciale, sub, subjectpagename, subjectpagenamee, subjectspace, subjectspacee, subpagename, subpagenamee, switch, tag, talkpagename, talkpagenamee, talkspace, talkspacee, time, timel, titleparts, uc, ucfirst, urldecode, urlencode, widget, wl-author, wl-comment, wl-info, wl-publish, wl-settings and wl-tags
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